The Spirit of Tae Kwon Do
- To discipline mind, body and spirit.
- To be courteous, honest and sincere.
- To build good character.
- To build confidence, humility and endurance.
- To seek truth and practice it.
- To never fight to achieve selfish ends but to develop might for right.
To do our utmost to develop Tae Kwon Do as the most respected art in the world.
Class Information
Class Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm
Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Monthly Fee: $30 Resident | $35 Nonresident
Resident = Those residing in the Fon du Lac Park District taxing boundaries
Class Location: Fon du Lac Park District Administration Center 201 Veterans Drive, East Peoria
Class Cancellations: In the event a class is cancelled due to inclement weather, the Fon du Lac Park District utilizes One Call (1-877-698-3261) for means of all mass communication for updates and cancellations. The Park District will also place class cancellations on the Fon du Lac Park District’s Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/fondulacpark/ In addition, the Park District will put information on the local news channel websites under “Closings”.
Register in person, by mail or online
- Fon du Lac Park District
- 201 Veterans Drive
- East Peoria, IL 61611